It’s great news for homeowners looking to protect their families from severe weather conditions. In the study conducted and compared to metal sheeting, concrete roof tiles experienced little to no damage from the impact of hail that was greater in size, density and speed than that from extreme weather events.
According to Simon Ingham, senior engineer, Cyclone Testing Station at James Cook University, the purpose of the testing was to look at the response of building materials – roof sheeting and tiles in particular – to severe weather type events such as ice balls or hailstones. The research was part of the university’s remit in terms of study on weather.
“We aim to minimise loss and suffering by conducting research, testing and community education on the response of houses and low-rise buildings to severe weather events,” Ingham explained.
The study used ANSI FM4473 Standard as reference material and two ice ball sizes for the test: the first being 35mm, which they equated back to match the class 1 energy requirement within the standard, and which equates to 80km/h. The second size was 60mm, equating to class 4 in the standard, which equates to nominally 100km/h.

Testing involved projecting ice balls at test samples of concrete tiles and metal sheeting using a wind-driven debris simulator, which had been modified so it could project ice balls.
The academics targeted three different areas of the tiles when projecting the ice balls on the material, including supported and unsupported areas, and used the same methodology with the metal sheeting.
The results showed that the concrete roof tiles absorbed impact from hailstones with the same density as a watermelon. The hailstones all shattered upon impact on the concrete tiles. However, the metal sheeting sustained significant damage, including dents. One concerning development was that the hailstones remained intact after impact on the metal sheeting. The academics commented that it acted much like a trampoline and the hailstones could bounce off and pose a serious safety threat to people nearby.

These latest test results are just more proof of the superiority of tiles over metal sheeting as a roofing material, clearly demonstrating their resilience in the face of severe weather conditions.
And, further to withstanding weather conditions, tiles won’t rust or corrode – an attribute particularly important for the many Australians who live in coastal towns and cities throughout Australia. Concrete tiles also get stronger with age and provide better thermal insulation.
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